Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mobile Home Park

Projected Profit:$210,000 per month (minus expenses)

This is a money way for an entrepreneur who has some extra land and money to invest.

Mobile home parks are popular places for people to live. Often you'll see quite a few spread throughout town. What most people overlook is the profits that the owners of the park make.

Before you move anybody into the park, you're going to have to develop the land. You have to get power, sewage systems, roads, and water through the park. To make this trailer park really nice, you can also build a club house that has a pool and fun games inside. That way, people will want to move in because the park is higher class.

You're going to want to make room for 500 lots, which is reasonable for a well-positioned park. When people come in, charge the $300 per month to park their home. Mention to your new residents that if they ever decide to leave, you can give them the option of selling their mobile home to you. If you rent out mobile homes to customers, you can rent them out for $600 a month. That would easily make back the price it cost you to buy them.

In 5 years, if you were to rent out 300 lots to mobile home owners, and 200 lots to renters, you would make $210,000 per month minus expenses.

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