Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Child Transportation

Projected Profit: $800 a month

This is for the stay-at-home moms who have a suburban, van, or other multi-passenger vehicle.

Parents are busy people. They have work and errands to run. Their kids often lose opportunities for extra-curricular activities and programs because of the tight schedule. If these children could find transportation to their sports activities, after school programs, and other extra-curricular activities, it would save the parents a whole lot of time and disappointment. 

That's where you come in. With your multi-passenger vehicle, you could transport the children for a fee (much like a taxi). There would be a fixed rate, and your customers would be consistant. You'd have to build trust with the parents though. Try starting with parents you know, then expand your business to others with advertising and word of mouth.

To get unaquainted parents to trust you, you're going to have to provide amazing references. Provide past customers, and trusted people that know you well. Provide a list of these numbers, with names, e-mail addresses, etc. That way the new customers aren't left with only a few options, and can get a widespread opinion about you and your services.

If you were to charge $10 a kid, 4 days a week, that's $160 a kid per month. Say you have 5 kids, that's $800 extra dollars a month.

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