Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ironing Business

Projected Profit: $1000 a month

This is an idea for a mom who wants to make extra money to support her family.

An ironing business would be a great idea, simply because people don't like ironing shirts. You need an ironing board, a sprayer, and some starch for an optional embellishment.

You would advertise your ironing business online, at local supermarkets, to your friends, at local colleges, and posting up papers on telephone poles. Leave your name and phone number, as well as your address so people can call you and drop off their clothes.

You can charge a certain amount per ironing, such as $0.50 per shirt or per pants. At that price, people would drop off loads of their clothes, and you would have them out and ready for them by the end of the day, or the next business day.

Let's say that you iron 50 pants and 50 shirts at $0.50 each. After doing this day after day, you would get better and faster at it, and it would take less time. If you did this 20 days a month, you would make $1000 per month just working part time hours for your ironing business.

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